Group L1 - Mercedes CLA Shooting Brake auto - guaranteed model

Group L1 - Mercedes CLA Shooting Brake auto - guaranteed model
Passengers Vehicle
Grupo L1 - Mercedes CLA Shooting Brake auto - modelo garantido
Tabela de Preços: 
ÉpocasPreço / dia
1 to 2 days3 to 6 days7 to 14 days15 to 30 daysOver 31 days
Christmas Season* 204.00€* 136.00€* 116.57€* 105.97€* 105.97€
Easter* 244.80€* 163.20€* 139.89€* 133.22€* 126.88€
High Season* 165.00€* 110.00€* 94.28€* 89.79€* 85.52€
High Season - September* 169.00€* 112.67€* 96.57€* 96.57€* 91.97€
June* 126.00€* 84.00€* 72.00€* 68.57€* 65.31€
Low Season* 123.50€* 82.33€* 70.57€* 67.21€* 67.21€
Low Season 2* 245.70€* 163.80€* 140.40€* 133.71€* 133.71€
Mid Season* 198.00€* 132.00€* 113.14€* 107.76€* 107.76€
October* 102.00€* 68.00€* 58.29€* 55.51€* 52.87€
Off Season* 147.50€* 113.46€* 98.33€* 84.29€* 80.27€
Peak Season* 155.00€* 103.33€* 88.57€* 84.35€* 84.35€
* Prices from