Group P2 - Opel Combo Cargo van 3 seats

1 to 2 days3 to 6 days7 to 14 days15 to 30 daysOver 31 days
Christmas Season* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
Easter* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
High Season* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
High Season - September* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
June* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
Low Season* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
Low Season 2* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
Mid Season* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
October* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
Off Season* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
Peak Season* 50.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 45.00€* 40.00€
* Prices from